Privacy Policy

Here at J.S. McCarthy Packaging & Print, we value your privacy. By visiting and using our website, you represent and warrant that you are at least 13 years of age and you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

We partner with third parties to offer you a website that serves as a source of information and also as a resource for us to communicate with each other and conduct business with you. We never resell your information to a third party.

Information we collect from you:

To host our website, we partner with third parties to provide services such as hosting, offering our FTP site and also the fulfillment ordering platform. We also use website analytics to collect and analyze information. While you browse our website and/or web platforms, we do not collect any personal information other than the following, with the goal of creating a better browsing experience for you.

  • What we collect: Your IP address and location, as well as information about how you interact with our website and/or web platforms, which includes your operating system, browser type, URLs of any pages you visit on our sites, device identifiers, and other similar usage information.
  • Why we collect it: This information is used to ensure high quality website functionality, safeguard network and information security, ensure uninterrupted service, analyze our website usage metrics, improve of our website and web platforms, evaluate the effectiveness of our website, and develop future web based marketing plans.

In addition to the information above, you may also use our website to send us certain information. If you use any links to upload or download using our FTP site, sign up for our newsletters, or you use our Fulfillment digital storefront, or otherwise contact us via our website, we will collect additional information described below, which is used for the following purposes:

When you use our Fulfillment website:
  • What we collect: Name, email address, incoming IP address, mailing address, phone number, job title, your username account information.
  • Why we collect it: To identify you, for reporting and analytics, for IT system functionality and support, and/or respond to or process your request.

When you upload a file or use our FTP Links, or use a website chat function, or use the website features that offer for you to contact us:

  • What we collect: Name, email address, job title, company name, mailing address, phone number, incoming IP address, the data or files you upload, the content of any message you send.
  • Why we collect it: To enable communication with you, to access or exchange information, and/or respond to or process your request.

We will hold your information for the period of time that it is relevant to us and the purposes for which it was collected.

JSM takes data security seriously and we have physical and technological safeguards in place to protect the information we collect from you, including that which you voluntarily share. We never sell your information to any third party, and our third party partners will only access the amount of data necessary to fulfill the purposes for which we have engaged them. In the instance that we use a third party partner, we ensure that they are bound by a Privacy Policy and data security measures no less restrictive than our own. We do not collect credit card information and we are PCI compliant.

Please note that, while we won’t sell your information, we may be required by law to share certain personal data and, if that is the case, we will share only the minimum amount of data legally required.

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time and may post such changes on our website,

If you would like to (a) review the data we’ve collected via our website, (b) update any data we’ve collected, (c) ask us to delete any information we’ve collected, or (d) ask us a question about this Privacy Policy, please email us at with “Privacy Policy” in the subject line, or mail us at: J.S. McCarthy Packaging & Print, Attn: General Counsel, 15 Darin Drive, Augusta, ME 04330.

Policy Effective Date: July 1, 2024