
From the moment files arrive until your job is on press, rest assured our pre-press team has you covered. J.S. McCarthy employs the latest pre-press technology to make sure your job is picture-perfect every time.

File Transfer

Ready to send files to J.S. McCarthy, review proofs, or provide additional information for your project? We accept files through our online system, always keeping security top of mind.

Secure Link Uploader

Connect directly with our Remote Proofing server through a web browser with the Secure Link Uploader.

Click on the name of your Customer Service Representative from the list below. A new window will open with an Upload Files button, which will launch the upload in a separate window.

Customer Service Reps

Other Links

Step by step guide on how to securely upload files:

  • Enter a job name for the upload, your name, and your contact information into the upload window. You can also include additional notes.
  • Drag the files you wish to send onto the lower part of the window. Click Upload. Your files will remain secure during the upload process.
  • Your file transfer will be complete when the progress bar reaches 100%. The uploader will automatically notify your Customer Service Representative when the upload is complete.

Do you need technical pre-press assistance?

Reach out to our team and we’ll be in touch soon!

PDF Preparation

J.S. McCarthy encourages customers to use a PDF workflow for submitting files. PDFs are faster, safer and they save you money. If you need help setting up a PDF Workflow check out our resources or contact our technical support team for more information.

Adobe makes it very easy to create PDFs from InDesign. With Creative Cloud, Adobe Publishing programs all share settings, so you may directly export press-ready PDFs from any program in the Suite. Follow the instructions below for the program you are using. J.S. McCarthy prefers to work with Distiller PDF X4 files whenever possible. To get the best results on your print job, download and install the settings linked below. If you have any questions about preparing press-ready PDFs, feel free to contact JSM technical support.

Adobe InDesign

This guide contains full workflow information for creating, checking, and sending PDFs from Adobe InDesign.

Download Instructions in PDF format
Download JSM PDF X4 Settings for InDesign

Page Exporter Utility

The Page Exporter Utility is a small script that can help InDesign export single-page PDFs, which can make it easier to handle revisions and automatic processing.

Download Page Exporter Utility

To install, open InDesign, then open the script palette from the Window menu. Right-click or control-click on the user folder and choose "Reveal in Finder (or File Browser)". This will open the Scripts folder in a new window on your machine. Decompress the Page Exporter Utility and copy into the scripts panel folder.

Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop

This guide contains full workflow information for creating PDFs from Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. These versions of Adobe can save clean, press-ready files with the standard JSM PDF X4 setting.

Download Instructions in PDF format
Download JSM PDF X4Settings for Illustrator or Photoshop

Preflight and File Preparation

J.S. McCarthy strongly encourages all customers to use the Preflight and Package functions in their design programs when preparing files for submission. Preflighting (or checking your files for problems) can help to avoid many of the pre-press related issues that could delay your job.

Acrobat Preflight Settings

These settings may be installed in Acrobat 9 and later. There are settings for jobs that print as CMYK only, Spot colors only, or Both CMYK + Spot. Installation instructions in the file.

Download Acrobat Preflight Settings

InDesign Preflight Settings

These settings work with InDesign. There are settings for jobs that print as CMYK only, Spot colors only, Both CMYK + Spot colors, or Grayscale only. Installation instructions are included in the file.

Download InDesign Preflight Settings

The Package or Collect for Output function will gather all the necessary links and fonts used in your file and save them in a folder that you can then send to us for printing.

Color Management

ICC profiles are used for many aspects of the production process. For the best final printed results, you should use these settings when scanning and converting your images to CMYK. J.S. McCarthy supports the industry-standard GRACoL color settings, and our presses and proofers are calibrated using the G7 methodology. We are a certified G7 Master Printer and keep our equipment within official G7 specifications.

For links and more information about the GRACol printing standards, refer to the GRACol website. For those customers interested in doing their own scanning, digital photography, and proofing, JSM offers monitor profiling services as well as on-site production assistance. Depending on the equipment used, the combination of a calibrated monitor and the use of these color profiles in Photoshop can make for a very close on-screen soft proof.

Color Settings in Photoshop

This PDF contains information on installing color profiles and screen-shots of the color settings we recommend for use in Photoshop.

Download Instructions for Mac/PC in PDF format      

File Recommendations & Specifications

J.S. McCarthy (JSM) prides itself on the highest quality printed material in the industry that is produced using the latest technology and equipment. JSM can accept a range of different print file types; however, we suggest following this guideline while setting up files:

File Formats

Adobe Illustrator (preferred for packaging)

Vector files in AI, PDF formats are recommended for reproduction. For best results, submit files as final size. You can package files in Illustrator to include all fonts and images. Embedded raster images should be in CMYK color mode with a minimum of 300 DPI at final size. It is acceptable to convert all fonts to outlines, but please supply a separate version of the file with fonts included.


Prepare a PDF file made to the industry standard PDFx4 specifications for print in CMYK mode with embedded images at resolutions of 300 DPI or higher and embed all fonts. To get the best results, download and instal the settings in our PDF preparation section.

Adobe InDesign

Package or include all images and fonts.

Bleeds and Safe Area

  • 1/8” all sides
  • Safe Zone/Margin Box. Allow a minimum safe area (margin) of 1/8” including around any internal cutouts.

Fonts and Graphics

Fonts and graphic images should be embedded in .pdf files. Please include or package font files and images separately if submitting native files. It is acceptable to convert all fonts to outlines for packaging projects only, but please supply a separate version of the file with fonts included.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Postscript Type 1 fonts are no longer supported by Adobe products.

Minimum font size: 4pt Regular, 6pt Knock Out.


You will want to make a final check of your art after prepress changes have been made. JSM provides digital proofs for every project for your approval via a link provided by our team. Onscreen proofs, soft proofs or proofs viewed on a monitor may vary unless color calibration is applied. Hard copy proofs are available by request and will be delivered for approval. If color must be absolutely precise, we encourage you to schedule a press check to approve color and print quality as production begins. Ink drawdowns are also available upon request.

File Transfer

Customers may upload their files to our Secure Link Uploader. Please choose the corresponding Customer Service Rep for your account. The uploader will automatically notify your CSR when the upload is complete.

Guide for Electronic File Preparation

To maintain high quality printing standards and to ensure prompt turnaround, files should be prepared to certain specifications. Below are some helpful hints to minimize delays.

  • Provide native, layered files (i.e. Illustrator (preferred file type for packaging), InDesign, or composite PDF).
  • Always supply the finished size, colors, or any pertinent information (the more the better).
  • Prepare files in CMYK mode, not RGB mode.
  • Supply all color images in either CMYK or RGB correctly tagged for color management (300 DPI resolution at placed size).
  • Make sure that all linked images are supplied. In Illustrator or InDesign see the "Package" features of your program to gather all needed fonts and images.
  • Minimum font size is 4 pt Regular, 6 pt Knock Out (reversed out). Minimum line stroke is .25 pt.
  • Prepare the document to the final trim size, not on an oversized page.
  • Supply all die specs, embossing, coatings or foils on separate layers and make sure no copy is on the those layers. Make each a spot color and set to Overprint.
  • Use correct color naming in color palette (i.e. PANTONE 286C (Royal Blue is not a color)) unless client is requesting a Match color. Please contact us for help.
  • Do not create manual trapping by adding a stroke.
  • Rich Black: 50 Cyan, 40 Magenta, 40 Yellow, 100 Black.
Press Specifications
  • Print Standard: GRACoL 2006 or 2013
  • Screening: 200L
  • Maximum printed colors: 8

Download File Recommendations & Specifications


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J.S. McCarthy Packaging + Print black honey sampler boxes opened and closed with honey jars